The Big Bang Theory
S02E09 - The White Asparagus Triangulation
To, že Leonard stále randí so Stephanie búra všetky štatistiky. Veď s Joyce Kim chodil 27 dní, počas ktorých emigrovala do Severnej Kórei, potom dve noci s Leslie Winkle a trojhodinová večera s Penny. Z tohto dôvodu sa Sheldon rozhodne Leonardovi pomôcť, aby niečo nepokazil, pretože Stephanie je prvé Leonardovo dievča, ktoré sa Sheldonovi pozdáva.(TV Markíza)
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The Big Bang Theory is centered on five characters living in Pasadena, California: roommates Leonard Hofstadter and Sheldon Cooper; Penny, a waitress and aspiring actress who lives across the hall; and Leonard and Sheldon's equally geeky and socially awkward friends and co-workers, mechanical engineer Howard Wolowitz and astrophysicist Raj Koothrappali. The geekiness and intellect of the four guys is contrasted for comic effect with Penny's social skills and common sense.