J. T. se snaží vymanit z Frankových a Caroliných pravidel a odstěhuje se k Jean-Lucovi. Protože mu s Richem zruinují rande i ledničku, Jean-Luc je vyhodí. Najde si byt v činžáku, který má být zbourán, a na tuto práci je najat Frank. Dohodnou se, že spolu promění Carolin bývalý salón v malý byt. Carol chce trávit víc času s Al, Danou a Karen, a tak je pod různými záminkami vyláká do Karaoke baru...(TV Nova)
Step by Step is an American television sitcom with two single parents, who spontaneously get married after meeting one another during a vacation, resulting in them becoming the heads of a large blended family
Step by Step is an American television sitcom with two single parents, who spontaneously get married after meeting one another during a vacation, resulting in them becoming the heads of a large blended family
Joel Zwick
Christine Lakin,
Hope Allen,
Suzanne Somers,
Jason Marsden,
Bronson Pinchot,
Brandon Call,
Patrick Duffy,
Alexandra Adi,
Staci Keanan,
Angela Watson,
Christopher Castile,
Josh Byrne,
Emily Mae Young