Carol a Frankovi dorazí úřední dopis o neplatnosti jejich sňatku, protože kaple, kde byli oddáni, neměla povolení. Ke vzteku všech dětí a přes jejich petici se rozhodnou vzít se znovu. Protože Frank zkazí první pokus na radnici, chce Carol svatbu se vším všudy a za účasti reverenda. Ten však o víkendu odjíždí na dovolenou, a navíc má ve stejný den Brendan narozeniny...(TV Nova)
Step by Step is an American television sitcom with two single parents, who spontaneously get married after meeting one another during a vacation, resulting in them becoming the heads of a large blended family
Step by Step is an American television sitcom with two single parents, who spontaneously get married after meeting one another during a vacation, resulting in them becoming the heads of a large blended family
John Tracy
Christine Lakin,
Suzanne Somers,
Sasha Mitchell,
Patrika Darbo,
Brandon Call,
Patrick Duffy,
Staci Keanan,
Angela Watson,
Christopher Castile,
Josh Byrne,
Peggy Rea,
Yvette Freeman,
Bryan O'Byrne,
John David Conti