Galerias Velvet
S03E11 - An Ocean Away
In 1950s Spain, the heir to a fashion house romances a beautiful seamstress who works for the company, despite the objections of his family.
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Man of the Year
Man of the Year
Alberto jde na večeři s Cristinou a dalšími příbuznými. Enrique mu poví, že Patricie už nebude prodávat v obchodě, ale začne ve firmě také rozhodovat. Alberto pozná, že ji Enrique ovlivňuje. Barbara s Cristinou v luxusní restauraci potkají Anu a Barbara o ní u stolu prohlásí, že je zlatokopkou. Mateo vezme Claru do bytu, který si pronajal na jednu noc a předstírá, že je to jeho byt. Clara další den zjistí, že byt jeho nebyl a chce přijít na to, co tají. Clara najde jeho dům, spustí smršť o tom, jaký je Mateo záletník, až se dozví, že křičí na jeho matku a uteče. Mateo se přizná, že žije s matkou a s tetami, Clara mu odpustí, ale nepoví mu, že už to ví a ztropila u něho doma scénu. Isabel přizná Emiliovi, že přijela z Kuby do Madridu, protože je nemocná, a tak chce poznat svého syna Alberta. Mezi Pedrem a Adolfem vládne rivalita, Pedro miluje Ritu a ona zase jeho, ale kvůli nedorozumění si Rita myslí, že si Pedro bude brát Rosu Maríu. Ana v noci po večeři s Carlosem nakreslí návrhy na uniformy a Albertovi se moc líbí. Alberto vybere Anu jako novou návrhářku kolekce pro aerolinky. Enrique přijme nového návrháře, aniž by se předtím s Albertem poradil.(TV Prima)
To Be or Not to Be
To Be or Not to Be
In 1950s Spain, the heir to a fashion house romances a beautiful seamstress who works for the company, despite the objections of his family.
And Many Happy Returns
And Many Happy Returns
In 1950s Spain, the heir to a fashion house romances a beautiful seamstress who works for the company, despite the objections of his family.
Two Men and a Pacifier
Two Men and a Pacifier
In 1950s Spain, the heir to a fashion house romances a beautiful seamstress who works for the company, despite the objections of his family.
Place Your Bets
Place Your Bets
In 1950s Spain, the heir to a fashion house romances a beautiful seamstress who works for the company, despite the objections of his family.
In 1950s Spain, the heir to a fashion house romances a beautiful seamstress who works for the company, despite the objections of his family.
The Wait
The Wait
In 1950s Spain, the heir to a fashion house romances a beautiful seamstress who works for the company, despite the objections of his family.
Day and Night
Day and Night
In 1950s Spain, the heir to a fashion house romances a beautiful seamstress who works for the company, despite the objections of his family.
Coup de Theatre
Coup de Theatre
In 1950s Spain, the heir to a fashion house romances a beautiful seamstress who works for the company, despite the objections of his family.
Don't Say Goodbye
Don't Say Goodbye
In 1950s Spain, the heir to a fashion house romances a beautiful seamstress who works for the company, despite the objections of his family.
An Ocean Away
An Ocean Away
In 1950s Spain, the heir to a fashion house romances a beautiful seamstress who works for the company, despite the objections of his family.
In Suspence
In Suspence
In 1950s Spain, the heir to a fashion house romances a beautiful seamstress who works for the company, despite the objections of his family.
And Life Goes On...
And Life Goes On...
In 1950s Spain, the heir to a fashion house romances a beautiful seamstress who works for the company, despite the objections of his family.
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In 1950s Spain, the heir to a fashion house romances a beautiful seamstress who works for the company, despite the objections of his family.