Galerias Velvet

Galerias Velvet

S01E03 - Nada es tan sencillo

1.1. 00:20
Prima Love
51 minutes
Spain Drama / Romantic

Alberto lituje svých posledních slov, které řekl svému otci, ale vrátit čas není možné. Ana je v nemocnici, ale už se jí daří lépe. Alberto zjistí, že módní dům je úplně na mizině. Velvet je uzavřen a všichni jdou na pohřeb dona Rafaela. Ana uteče z nemocnice a přijde na pohřeb, po kterém omdlí vyčerpáním. Alberto si ji vezme domů, přestože s tím jeho nevlastní matka Glorie nesouhlasí. Rafael zanechal závěť, dům přenechá svým dětem Albertovi a Patricii a většinový podíl podniku zanechá Albertovi a po dvaceti procentech své manželce Glorii a své dceři Patricii. Alberto přebírá vedení podniku a pokusí se ho zachránit. Glorie i Patricie se chovají k Aně povýšeně a nechtějí, aby byla v jejich domě. Alberto požádá doňu Blancu, aby se v dílně šilo, jak nejvíce je to možné a rychle se dokončily všechny objednávky. Půvabná Cristina se zastaví za Albertem a nabídne mu svou pomoc, jak s obchodem, tak i v osobním životem. Večer vezme Alberto Anu na romantické místo, kde ji požádá o ruku a ona souhlasí. Druhý den v novinách vyjde článek o tom, že je módní dům Velvet na mizině. Alberto nedostane půjčku. Někteří dodavatelé ruší smlouvy a nedodají slíbené látky. Gloria poví Albertovi, že jeho teta Pilar chce vstoupit do firmy a zaplatí všechny dluhy. Alberto nesouhlasí, protože ví, že předtím nesouhlasil ani jeho otec. Večer v dílně oslavují všichni zaměstnanci Anino zasnoubení, ze kterého její strýc nemá vůbec radost.(TV Prima)

More information

Welcome to the '60s

22.1. 00:11, Prima Love, 52 minutes

Welcome to the '60s

In 1950s Spain, the heir to a fashion house romances a beautiful seamstress who works for the company, despite the objections of his family.


More Than a Pretty Face

22.1. 01:03, Prima Love, 49 minutes

More Than a Pretty Face

In 1950s Spain, the heir to a fashion house romances a beautiful seamstress who works for the company, despite the objections of his family.


Tell Me Your Secret

23.1. 00:28, Prima Love, 56 minutes

Tell Me Your Secret

In 1950s Spain, the heir to a fashion house romances a beautiful seamstress who works for the company, despite the objections of his family.


The Inner Enemy

23.1. 01:25, Prima Love, 55 minutes

The Inner Enemy

In 1950s Spain, the heir to a fashion house romances a beautiful seamstress who works for the company, despite the objections of his family.


A Difficult Decision

24.1. 00:22, Prima Love, 57 minutes

A Difficult Decision

In 1950s Spain, the heir to a fashion house romances a beautiful seamstress who works for the company, despite the objections of his family.


The Moment of Truth

24.1. 01:20, Prima Love, 55 minutes

The Moment of Truth

In 1950s Spain, the heir to a fashion house romances a beautiful seamstress who works for the company, despite the objections of his family.


At Play

25.1. 00:26, Prima Love, 56 minutes

At Play

In 1950s Spain, the heir to a fashion house romances a beautiful seamstress who works for the company, despite the objections of his family.



25.1. 01:22, Prima Love, 58 minutes


In 1950s Spain, the heir to a fashion house romances a beautiful seamstress who works for the company, despite the objections of his family.


Unexpected Gifts

26.1. 00:14, Prima Love, 57 minutes

Unexpected Gifts

In 1950s Spain, the heir to a fashion house romances a beautiful seamstress who works for the company, despite the objections of his family.


And Then He Came

26.1. 01:11, Prima Love, 56 minutes

And Then He Came

In 1950s Spain, the heir to a fashion house romances a beautiful seamstress who works for the company, despite the objections of his family.


The Big Day II

27.1. 00:06, Prima Love, 57 minutes

The Big Day II

In 1950s Spain, the heir to a fashion house romances a beautiful seamstress who works for the company, despite the objections of his family.

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About show

Czech Czech
Spain Drama / Romantic

In 1950s Spain, the heir to a fashion house romances a beautiful seamstress who works for the company, despite the objections of his family.


David Pinillos


Aitana Sánchez-Gijón, Manuela Velasco, Cristina Plazas, Miguel Ángel Silvestre, Pep Munné, Manuela Vellés, Paula Echevarría, Marta Hazas, Miriam Giovanelli, José Sacristán, Asier Etxeandía, Javier Rey, Francesc Pagès, Adrián Lastra, Pedro Miguel Martínez, Inma Cuevas, Maxi Iglesias, Cecilia Freire, Natalia Millán, Sara Rivero, Rut Santamaría, Juan Ribó, Ana Labordeta