Poddôstojník Chalil Said pôsobil ako tlmočník na Kube. Zomrel v aute cestou do Fredersburgu. Dr. Mallard v jeho tele našiel smaragdy, ktoré zrejme prehltol, aby ich mohol prepašovať do USA. Uviazli mu v tráviacom trakte a následne umrel na vnútorné krvácanie. Podľa listov, ktoré vyšetrovací tím nájde v aute však usudzujú, že Said mal komplica...(TV Markíza)
From murder and espionage to terrorism and stolen submarines, a team of special agents investigates any crime that has a shred of evidence connected to Navy and Marine Corps personnel, regardless of rank or position.
From murder and espionage to terrorism and stolen submarines, a team of special agents investigates any crime that has a shred of evidence connected to Navy and Marine Corps personnel, regardless of rank or position.
From murder and espionage to terrorism and stolen submarines, a team of special agents investigates any crime that has a shred of evidence connected to Navy and Marine Corps personnel, regardless of rank or position.
From murder and espionage to terrorism and stolen submarines, a team of special agents investigates any crime that has a shred of evidence connected to Navy and Marine Corps personnel, regardless of rank or position.
From murder and espionage to terrorism and stolen submarines, a team of special agents investigates any crime that has a shred of evidence connected to Navy and Marine Corps personnel, regardless of rank or position.
Ian Toynton,
Donald P. Bellisario,
Philip DeGuere Jr.
E. Roger Mitchell,
David McCallum,
Michael Shamus Wiles,
Pauley Perrette,
Jessica Steen,
Hrach Titizian,
Mark Harmon,
Kevin McCorkle,
Paul Vinson,
Erick Avari,
Michael Weatherly,
Sasha Alexander,
Michael Shamus Wiles,
Pancho Demmings,
E. Roger Mitchell,
Heath Freeman