Extra Gear / 31.12.2024, 08:30

Extra Gear / 31.12.2024, 08:30

Top Gear XXV (4)

31.12. 08:30
Prima COOL
60 minutes

Po krátkém úvodu je tu představení vozu Dodge SRT Demon, který má za cenu 60 000 Liber překonat i nejrychlejší supersporty. Pomoci mu má motor V8 6.2L s obřím kompresorem, maximální rychlost je pak omezená na 270 km/hod. Proti odvážnému tvrzení je ale váha- 2 tuny. Demon ale nevyniká na klikatých cestách, nýbrž ve sprintu. Za drobný příplatek z něj lze vytvořit vůz právě na sprinty na čtvrt míle, 840 koní ho pak vystřelí do cíle za 9,65 vteřiny! Matt předvede, jak na to, postup startu je poněkud komplikovaný, ale návykový. Matt dokola sprintuje, nemůže se nabažit a vyzývá Lamborghini Aventador- mnohem dražší supersport. Ten smázne jakoby nic, Dodge zvládne s pohonem zadních kol z 0 na 100 za 2,3 vteřiny! Je to nejlépe zrychlující silniční vůz všech dob. Jeho schopností využije Matt na letišti, kde NASA provozuje průzkumný letoun ER2. Ten je velmi nestabilní a pilot při přistání netuší, kdy se dotkne země- tak vysoký je jeho podvozek. Matt musí natrénovat manévr, kdy se rychlostí přes 200 km/hod zavěsí za klesající letoun, v jeho závěsu pak bude radit pilotovi, aby nedošlo k zbytečné chybě. ER2 se brzy blíží a Matt jde do akce, trénink proti jinému vozu byl zřejmě dostačující- vede si skvěle, stejně jako Dodge. Ve studiu Rory upozorňuje na šířící se vlnu vozů Kia a Hyundai napříč Británií, původně nudné značky přichází se zajímavými a dostupnými sportovními modely, jako například Kia Stinger....

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Record series


Available in 4 days

Extra Gear / 31.12.2024, 08:30

31.12. 08:30, Prima COOL, 60 minutes

Extra Gear / 31.12.2024, 08:30

Available in 4 days

Extra Gear / 31.12.2024, 02:40

31.12. 02:40, Prima COOL, 50 minutes

Extra Gear / 31.12.2024, 02:40

Available in 3 days

Extra Gear / 30.12.2024, 09:30

30.12. 09:30, Prima COOL, 55 minutes

Extra Gear / 30.12.2024, 09:30

Available in 3 days

Extra Gear / 30.12.2024, 08:25

30.12. 08:25, Prima COOL, 65 minutes

Extra Gear / 30.12.2024, 08:25

Available in 3 days

Extra Gear / 30.12.2024, 03:00

30.12. 03:00, Prima COOL, 50 minutes

Extra Gear / 30.12.2024, 03:00

Available in 2 days

Extra Gear / 29.12.2024, 08:55

29.12. 08:55, Prima COOL, 50 minutes

Extra Gear / 29.12.2024, 08:55

Available in 2 days

Extra Gear / 29.12.2024, 07:50

29.12. 07:50, Prima COOL, 65 minutes

Extra Gear / 29.12.2024, 07:50

Available in 1 day

Extra Gear / 28.12.2024, 09:25

28.12. 09:25, Prima COOL, 65 minutes

Extra Gear / 28.12.2024, 09:25

Available in 1 day

Extra Gear / 28.12.2024, 08:25

28.12. 08:25, Prima COOL, 60 minutes

Extra Gear / 28.12.2024, 08:25

Available in 14 hours

Extra Gear / 27.12.2024, 09:36

27.12. 09:36, Prima COOL, 56 minutes

Extra Gear / 27.12.2024, 09:36

Extra Gear is the brand new companion show to Top Gear, bringing tons of behind-the-scenes content to audiences for the first time. Hosted by Rory Reid and Chris Harris, the half hour after show presents exclusive new footage, interviews, and specially recorded films. Rory and Chris will also be joined by a celebrity guest or renowned figure from the motoring world to reflect on that week’s episode of Top Gear.

Available in 12 hours

Extra Gear / 27.12.2024, 08:32

27.12. 08:32, Prima COOL, 63 minutes

Extra Gear / 27.12.2024, 08:32

Extra Gear is the brand new companion show to Top Gear, bringing tons of behind-the-scenes content to audiences for the first time. Hosted by Rory Reid and Chris Harris, the half hour after show presents exclusive new footage, interviews, and specially recorded films. Rory and Chris will also be joined by a celebrity guest or renowned figure from the motoring world to reflect on that week’s episode of Top Gear.


Extra Gear / 26.12.2024, 09:35

26.12. 09:35, Prima COOL, 60 minutes

Extra Gear / 26.12.2024, 09:35

Extra Gear is the brand new companion show to Top Gear, bringing tons of behind-the-scenes content to audiences for the first time. Hosted by Rory Reid and Chris Harris, the half hour after show presents exclusive new footage, interviews, and specially recorded films. Rory and Chris will also be joined by a celebrity guest or renowned figure from the motoring world to reflect on that week’s episode of Top Gear.


Extra Gear / 26.12.2024, 08:36

26.12. 08:36, Prima COOL, 59 minutes

Extra Gear / 26.12.2024, 08:36

Extra Gear is the brand new companion show to Top Gear, bringing tons of behind-the-scenes content to audiences for the first time. Hosted by Rory Reid and Chris Harris, the half hour after show presents exclusive new footage, interviews, and specially recorded films. Rory and Chris will also be joined by a celebrity guest or renowned figure from the motoring world to reflect on that week’s episode of Top Gear.


Extra Gear / 25.12.2024, 09:42

25.12. 09:42, Prima COOL, 58 minutes

Extra Gear / 25.12.2024, 09:42

Extra Gear is the brand new companion show to Top Gear, bringing tons of behind-the-scenes content to audiences for the first time. Hosted by Rory Reid and Chris Harris, the half hour after show presents exclusive new footage, interviews, and specially recorded films. Rory and Chris will also be joined by a celebrity guest or renowned figure from the motoring world to reflect on that week’s episode of Top Gear.


Extra Gear / 25.12.2024, 08:41

25.12. 08:41, Prima COOL, 60 minutes

Extra Gear / 25.12.2024, 08:41

Extra Gear is the brand new companion show to Top Gear, bringing tons of behind-the-scenes content to audiences for the first time. Hosted by Rory Reid and Chris Harris, the half hour after show presents exclusive new footage, interviews, and specially recorded films. Rory and Chris will also be joined by a celebrity guest or renowned figure from the motoring world to reflect on that week’s episode of Top Gear.


Extra Gear / 25.12.2024, 03:00

25.12. 02:58, Prima COOL, 67 minutes

Extra Gear / 25.12.2024, 03:00


Extra Gear / 24.12.2024, 09:01

24.12. 09:01, Prima COOL, 61 minutes

Extra Gear / 24.12.2024, 09:01

Extra Gear is the brand new companion show to Top Gear, bringing tons of behind-the-scenes content to audiences for the first time. Hosted by Rory Reid and Chris Harris, the half hour after show presents exclusive new footage, interviews, and specially recorded films. Rory and Chris will also be joined by a celebrity guest or renowned figure from the motoring world to reflect on that week’s episode of Top Gear.


Extra Gear / 24.12.2024, 07:54

24.12. 07:54, Prima COOL, 66 minutes

Extra Gear / 24.12.2024, 07:54

Extra Gear is the brand new companion show to Top Gear, bringing tons of behind-the-scenes content to audiences for the first time. Hosted by Rory Reid and Chris Harris, the half hour after show presents exclusive new footage, interviews, and specially recorded films. Rory and Chris will also be joined by a celebrity guest or renowned figure from the motoring world to reflect on that week’s episode of Top Gear.


Extra Gear / 24.12.2024, 02:54

24.12. 02:54, Prima COOL, 74 minutes

Extra Gear / 24.12.2024, 02:54

Extra Gear is the brand new companion show to Top Gear, bringing tons of behind-the-scenes content to audiences for the first time. Hosted by Rory Reid and Chris Harris, the half hour after show presents exclusive new footage, interviews, and specially recorded films. Rory and Chris will also be joined by a celebrity guest or renowned figure from the motoring world to reflect on that week’s episode of Top Gear.


Extra Gear / 23.12.2024, 08:57

23.12. 08:57, Prima COOL, 66 minutes

Extra Gear / 23.12.2024, 08:57

Extra Gear is the brand new companion show to Top Gear, bringing tons of behind-the-scenes content to audiences for the first time. Hosted by Rory Reid and Chris Harris, the half hour after show presents exclusive new footage, interviews, and specially recorded films. Rory and Chris will also be joined by a celebrity guest or renowned figure from the motoring world to reflect on that week’s episode of Top Gear.


Extra Gear / 23.12.2024, 07:50

23.12. 07:50, Prima COOL, 66 minutes

Extra Gear / 23.12.2024, 07:50

Extra Gear is the brand new companion show to Top Gear, bringing tons of behind-the-scenes content to audiences for the first time. Hosted by Rory Reid and Chris Harris, the half hour after show presents exclusive new footage, interviews, and specially recorded films. Rory and Chris will also be joined by a celebrity guest or renowned figure from the motoring world to reflect on that week’s episode of Top Gear.

About show

Czech Czech

Po krátkém úvodu je tu představení vozu Dodge SRT Demon, který má za cenu 60 000 Liber překonat i nejrychlejší supersporty. Pomoci mu má motor V8 6.2L s obřím kompresorem, maximální rychlost je pak omezená na 270 km/hod. Proti odvážnému tvrzení je ale váha- 2 tuny. Demon ale nevyniká na klikatých cestách, nýbrž ve sprintu. Za drobný příplatek z něj lze vytvořit vůz právě na sprinty na čtvrt míle, 840 koní ho pak vystřelí do cíle za 9,65 vteřiny! Matt předvede, jak na to, postup startu je poněkud komplikovaný, ale návykový. Matt dokola sprintuje, nemůže se nabažit a vyzývá Lamborghini Aventador- mnohem dražší supersport. Ten smázne jakoby nic, Dodge zvládne s pohonem zadních kol z 0 na 100 za 2,3 vteřiny! Je to nejlépe zrychlující silniční vůz všech dob. Jeho schopností využije Matt na letišti, kde NASA provozuje průzkumný letoun ER2. Ten je velmi nestabilní a pilot při přistání netuší, kdy se dotkne země- tak vysoký je jeho podvozek. Matt musí natrénovat manévr, kdy se rychlostí přes 200 km/hod zavěsí za klesající letoun, v jeho závěsu pak bude radit pilotovi, aby nedošlo k zbytečné chybě. ER2 se brzy blíží a Matt jde do akce, trénink proti jinému vozu byl zřejmě dostačující- vede si skvěle, stejně jako Dodge. Ve studiu Rory upozorňuje na šířící se vlnu vozů Kia a Hyundai napříč Británií, původně nudné značky přichází se zajímavými a dostupnými sportovními modely, jako například Kia Stinger....