PJ Masks Shorts II

PJ Masks Shorts II

S01E67 - PJ Masks (67)

17.3. 23:50
Disney Junior
25 minutos

Armadylan steals the PJ Masks' vehicles. Kevin turns full wolfy on a trip to the moon.

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Temporada 1

PJ Masks (74)

20.3. 23:00, Disney Junior, 25 minutos

PJ Masks (74)

The PJ Masks must wear ear-protecting helmets when Romeo writes a song that turns listeners into his servant. PJ Robot tries to turn Romeo's Flying Factory into a Flying Party!


PJ Masks (75)

20.3. 23:25, Disney Junior, 25 minutos

PJ Masks (75)

When Night Ninja steals equipment from Pirate Day at school, Catboy jeopardizes the PJ Masks rescue mission. PJ Masks investigate Night Ninja when the ninjalinos keep disappearing!


PJ Masks (76)

20.3. 23:50, Disney Junior, 25 minutos

PJ Masks (76)

Gekko finds a crystal that gives him powers, but it turns out the powers are too strong! While Gekko tries to stop the Ninjalinos on his own, Night Ninja tries to take over HQ!


PJ Masks (77)

21.3. 23:00, Disney Junior, 25 minutos

PJ Masks (77)

Motsuki steals Romeo's Baby Beam and turns the PJ Masks into bad-behaved babies! Motsuki takes her girl friends to the moon when she's not invited to a Pyjama Party.


PJ Masks (78)

21.3. 23:25, Disney Junior, 25 minutos

PJ Masks (78)

Romeo captures a special crystal and becomes Master of the Sky. PJ Robot and Romeo must work together when the Flying Factory is damaged.


PJ Masks (79)

21.3. 23:50, Disney Junior, 25 minutos

PJ Masks (79)

Owlette argues with Luna, emperils a mission - and loses all memory of being a PJ as a result. Catboy and Gekko can't see how to fix this and give up on her.


PJ Masks (80)

22.3. 23:00, Disney Junior, 25 minutos

PJ Masks (80)

The PJ Masks learn that the heart of being a hero is being a good person, and a good friend.


PJ Masks (81)

22.3. 23:25, Disney Junior, 25 minutos

PJ Masks (81)

The moths infiltrate HQ, and Gekko won’t admit that he let them in until it is too late. Catboy realizes that a true Cat Explorer puts his team before the discovery.


PJ Masks (82)

22.3. 23:50, Disney Junior, 25 minutos

PJ Masks (82)

The PJs offer to help Motsuki find Luna, but miss plot by Night Ninja in the process. When the Ninjalinos lose their ninja powers, the PJ Masks teach them alternative skills.


PJ Masks (83)

23.3. 23:00, Disney Junior, 25 minutos

PJ Masks (83)

The PJ Masks are enticed by a fake An Yu to break all the rules, and have a party on Mystery Mountain. An Yu tries to domesticate the wild Wolfies!


PJ Masks (84)

23.3. 23:25, Disney Junior, 25 minutos

PJ Masks (84)

Armadylan and Catboy compete over an exclusive Master Fang comic, thinking it contains a hero secret. Armadylan loses the PJs’ special jet to Night Ninja.


PJ Masks (85)

23.3. 23:50, Disney Junior, 25 minutos

PJ Masks (85)

Owlette causes an asteroid accident. While trying to make it right, the PJ Masks meet another night-time hero, Newton! Newton likes the PJ Masks... but also likes his solitude.


PJ Masks (86)

24.3. 23:00, Disney Junior, 25 minutos

PJ Masks (86)

With the PJ Masks’ help, Newton learns that he’s not just “brains”! After his experience with Romeo, Newton has sworn off fighting villains.


PJ Masks (87)

24.3. 23:25, Disney Junior, 25 minutos

PJ Masks (87)

Newton thinks Owlette stole a precious asteroid – but she’s been framed by Romeo. Romeo needs the PJs' help bringing his Flying Factory under control, but they don't trust him.


PJ Masks (88)

24.3. 23:50, Disney Junior, 25 minutos

PJ Masks (88)

Gekko tries to train a naughty monkey. The PJ Masks' team spirit falls apart when Munkigu sabotages their mission with hilarious pranks.


PJ Masks (89)

25.3. 23:00, Disney Junior, 25 minutos

PJ Masks (89)

Cat Boy enlists Munki-Gu to go aboard the Flying Factory to distract Romeo. Kevin doesn’t think he’ll ever be top dog; he's not wolfy enough to find the legendary bone.


PJ Masks (90)

25.3. 23:25, Disney Junior, 25 minutos

PJ Masks (90)

Desperate to prove himself, Gekko recruits Armadylan for extra training. Catboy wants to increase his speed... but in doing so, drains power from his friends.


PJ Masks (91)

25.3. 23:50, Disney Junior, 25 minutos

PJ Masks (91)

Munkigu enchants a dragon float, turning it into a menace. Lionel wants to play with Munkigu instead of Gekko.


PJ Masks (92)

26.3. 23:00, Disney Junior, 25 minutos

PJ Masks (92)

There’s a new octopus-girl in the city, who wants to be friends with the PJ Masks, but her actions tell a different story. Octobella ruins Gekko's hero reputation.


PJ Masks (93)

26.3. 23:25, Disney Junior, 25 minutos

PJ Masks (93)

PJR wants to be Newton's Space Buddy. But first he needs to power up! Cat Boy wants to be able to teleport to the moon like Motsuki.


PJ Masks (94)

26.3. 23:50, Disney Junior, 25 minutos

PJ Masks (94)

Η Λούνα και η Μοτσούκι ρίχνουν το μαγνήτη της Λούνα στη Τάφρο και δέχονται τη ßοήθεια της Οκτομπέλλα. Η Μοτσούκι νευριάζει όταν της λένε, ότι είναι "μικρή" για να έχει τον έλεγχο.

Disponible en 2 horas

PJ Masks (95)

27.3. 23:00, Disney Junior, 25 minutos

PJ Masks (95)

Armadylan jumps at the chance to help Octobella, unaware that she's just using him. Owlette learns it's better to rely on your instincts after she's lured into an evil trap.

Disponible en 2 horas

PJ Masks (96)

27.3. 23:25, Disney Junior, 25 minutos

PJ Masks (96)

Feeling bad about his ninja past, Teeny Weeny tries to help defeat the ninjas using his monster powers. The Wolfies want their own robo-servant, but get more than they wish for!

Disponible en 2 horas

PJ Masks (97)

27.3. 23:50, Disney Junior, 25 minutos

PJ Masks (97)

Armadylan tries to fix a museum artifact without telling the PJ Masks. Romeo wants to create the ultimate trap for the PJ Masks.

Disponible en 1 días

PJ Masks (98)

28.3. 23:00, Disney Junior, 25 minutos

PJ Masks (98)

The PJs need to meditate with great seriousness, but they can’t when Munki-gu gets involved. The PJs try to stop Munki-gu's shenanigans, but get played by Night Ninja instead.

Disponible en 1 días

PJ Masks (99)

28.3. 23:25, Disney Junior, 25 minutos

PJ Masks (99)

PJ Robot is scared of the mystical villain, Pharaoh Boy, but when the PJ Masks need him, he faces his fear. Owlette takes offense when Romeo scoffs at the power of her feathers.

Disponible en 1 días

PJ Masks (100)

28.3. 23:50, Disney Junior, 25 minutos

PJ Masks (100)

Catboy wants to help solve a mystery, but Owlette and Gekko are only interested in his Super Speed. Romeo takes over PJ Robot so he can use him against the PJs.

Disponible en 2 días

PJ Masks (101)

29.3. 23:00, Disney Junior, 25 minutos

PJ Masks (101)

Romeo plans to use everyone's obsession with the new Jaden Concert to take over the world! When the Wolfies start their own band their sonic howls create new levels of destruction!

Disponible en 2 días

PJ Masks (102)

29.3. 23:25, Disney Junior, 25 minutos

PJ Masks (102)

Catboy is taken by the idea of having a cat sidekick. The PJ Masks think Luna and Motsuki are causing moon trouble, but it's Pharaoh.

Disponible en 2 días

PJ Masks (103)

29.3. 23:50, Disney Junior, 25 minutos

PJ Masks (103)

When Night Ninja needs the PJs' help, our heroes can't help taking advantage of it. Pharaoh Boy absorbs the PJ's powers into his boomerangs

Disponible en 3 días

PJ Masks (104)

30.3. 23:00, Disney Junior, 30 minutos

PJ Masks (104)

Octobella’s vendetta against Gekko builds to unseen heights. CatBoy and Owlette build a new vehicle of discovery and exploration – the PJ Sub.

Disponible en 3 días

PJ Masks (105)

30.3. 23:30, Disney Junior, 30 minutos

PJ Masks (105)

The PJ Masks defeat the Ninjas with ease and become over-confident in their powers. But Night Ninja’s secretly plotting to acquire PJ powers for himself.

Disponible en 3 días

PJ Masks (106)

31.3. 00:00, Disney Junior, 25 minutos

PJ Masks (106)

Luna deviously persuades the PJ Masks into helping her with her plan to disempower Motsuki.

Disponible en 4 días

PJ Masks (107)

31.3. 23:00, Disney Junior, 30 minutos

PJ Masks (107)

Newton turns bad due to a psychoactive asteroid.

Disponible en 4 días

PJ Masks (108)

31.3. 23:30, Disney Junior, 30 minutos

PJ Masks (108)

Romeo invents robotic animal powers. Newton leads the PJ Pets on a mission to rescue the PJ Masks.

Disponible en 4 días

PJ Masks (109)

1.4. 00:00, Disney Junior, 25 minutos

PJ Masks (109)

Gekko is so anxious about facing a bully, that he stays home one night to avoid her. Octobella creates a powerful octopus crystal that makes her a bigger threat than ever.

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Robot and PJ Robot struggle with a stubborn stain while washing Romeo's and Gekko's vehicles. Production year: 2018