Mickey and friends play in magical snow on Winter Mountain! When they build a snowman, he comes to life! The gang must prevent the snowman from melting when they play.
The gang travels to Majestica for a delicious pancake breakfast, but when they arrive they discover a problem! Minnie needs to find something special to wear to Funny's party.
Funny takes the gang to Sportstopia to play baseball with Pete’s Palookas, the best baseball team. Mickey, Minnie and friends can’t agree on what game to play.
Minnie and Daisy discover a group of gnomes whose magical music welcomes new seasons. Octo-Pete invites Mickey and friends to The Big Seahorsey Show in Underwater Ocean World.
At the Festival of Heroes, Mickey, Minnie, and friends learn that Pete the Mighty is really mighty fearful of a lot. Wanda Warbler gets a mysterious invitation to adventure!
Minnie is worried her xylophone skills aren't good enough to play at the Fun-A-Palooza concert. When Minnie's items go missing, she thinks her friends are taking them.
Daisy and Goofy spend the day with Windy, and find he spends his time doing good deeds. Daisy lends a special toy to Wheezelene, who has a hard time giving it back.
The gang plants trees on Arbor Day and helps save Funhouse Forest's oldest tree. Minnie becomes frustrated when she can't find the elusive Cat-O-Spots on a safari with the gang.
On a camping trip, the gang accidentally knocks Orion the Hunter and other constellations out of the sky, and they need to help restore them back to new.
Goofy is concerned his dino-running partner is too slow for the Dino-Opolis 500 race. Donald gets frustrated when he can't get the moves right to a new dance.
Daisy has trouble choosing between Mickey and Minnie's jack-o'-lanterns for a Halloween competition. When celebrating Chuseok, Ye Eun forgets to make an important dish.
When Goofy and Willie the giant switch sizes, Chickie Boo Boo goes missing and causes chaos. Mortimer gives everyone nicknames, but Cora the crab doesn't like being called Crabby.
Donald becomes distracted when he promises to play a game with Daisy. Mickey becomes too excited to listen to his friends' ideas when the gang searches for Cora's treasure.
On Christmas Eve, Panchito and José teach Goofy and the gang about Nochebuena and all its traditions. The gang gets caught in a snowstorm and learns how Hilda celebrates Hanukkah.
Daisy signs up for too many activities at the Land of Myth's volunteer day. Goofy loses popcorn kernels for the Sunny Gulch Sarsaparilla Festival and must retrieve them.
In Razzle Dazzle Dunes, Kyung Won wants more than the one souvenir his mom told him he could buy. In Halloweenville, Goofy is comforted by his pals when he's afraid of a big storm.
When Sneezel is too afraid to ask to be a part of a concert, Wheezelene steps in to help. Powerhouse Pete doubts Cuckoo Loca's abilities when she joins in a soccer game.
Daisy wants to be the only fan of her favorite band, The Beach Bugs. Pete starts copying Mickey when Mayor Clarabelle asks him to be the square dance caller.
Kyle must learn to create art in a new way when he can't use his special paints for the Winter Mountain Art Show. Daisy spoils King Ludwig's big news at his special celebration.
Goofy can't eat a birthday treat, so the gang quests to find a fruit substitute so everyone can participate. Daisy is sucked into a TV and learns about how movies are made.
Mickey and friends play in magical snow on Winter Mountain! When they build a snowman, he comes to life! The gang must prevent the snowman from melting when they play.