Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis

S04E19 - The Kindred: Part 2

4.2. 18:15
AXN Black
45 minutes
Action / Adventure / Drama / Sci-Fi

Teylu unesl Michael, který jí prozradil, že ve snech, kde viděla svého přítele, vzal na sebe Michael jeho podobu. Carterová řekla Sheppardovi, že na jedné planetě, kde je výzkumná stanice, je držen někdo z Atlantidy. Sheppardův tým se tam ihned vydá a zjistí, že se jedná o Becketta. Když se ptají Becketta, jak se tam dostal, odpoví jim, že když na jedné planete přeměnili skupinu Wraithů včetně Michaela, byl on chycen a odveden na stanici, kde mu Michael dával neznámý enzym. Michael mezitím sdělí Teyle plány, co che udělat s jejím dítětem. Mezitím na Atlantidě našli polohu planety, na které přistál Michael a kde bude také Teyla. Když se tam dostanou, Beckett zachrání Teylu, ale Michael je dožene, Becketta přemůže a s Teylou uteče. Sheppardovi se povede zachránit Athosiany, ale musí ještě zastavit Michaela, než bude příliš pozdě.(Varan)

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Season 5


16.2. 22:25, AXN Black, 45 minutes


With the Ancients' city of Atlantis discovered in the Pegasus Galaxy by Stargate Command, Dr. Elizabeth Weir and Major Sheppard lead a scientific expedition to the ancient abandoned city. Once there, the team not only find themselves unable to contact Earth, but their explorations unexpectedly reawaken the Ancients' deadly enemies, The Wraith, who hunger for this new prey. Now with the help of newfound local allies like Teyla Emmagan, the Atlantis Team sets about to uncover their new home's secrets even as their war of survival against the Wraith begins.



16.2. 23:10, AXN Black, 45 minutes


With the Ancients' city of Atlantis discovered in the Pegasus Galaxy by Stargate Command, Dr. Elizabeth Weir and Major Sheppard lead a scientific expedition to the ancient abandoned city. Once there, the team not only find themselves unable to contact Earth, but their explorations unexpectedly reawaken the Ancients' deadly enemies, The Wraith, who hunger for this new prey. Now with the help of newfound local allies like Teyla Emmagan, the Atlantis Team sets about to uncover their new home's secrets even as their war of survival against the Wraith begins.


The Prodigal

17.2. 11:30, AXN Black, 45 minutes

The Prodigal

With the Ancients' city of Atlantis discovered in the Pegasus Galaxy by Stargate Command, Dr. Elizabeth Weir and Major Sheppard lead a scientific expedition to the ancient abandoned city. Once there, the team not only find themselves unable to contact Earth, but their explorations unexpectedly reawaken the Ancients' deadly enemies, The Wraith, who hunger for this new prey. Now with the help of newfound local allies like Teyla Emmagan, the Atlantis Team sets about to uncover their new home's secrets even as their war of survival against the Wraith begins.



17.2. 12:15, AXN Black, 45 minutes


With the Ancients' city of Atlantis discovered in the Pegasus Galaxy by Stargate Command, Dr. Elizabeth Weir and Major Sheppard lead a scientific expedition to the ancient abandoned city. Once there, the team not only find themselves unable to contact Earth, but their explorations unexpectedly reawaken the Ancients' deadly enemies, The Wraith, who hunger for this new prey. Now with the help of newfound local allies like Teyla Emmagan, the Atlantis Team sets about to uncover their new home's secrets even as their war of survival against the Wraith begins.


Brain Storm

22.2. 21:40, AXN Black, 45 minutes

Brain Storm

With the Ancients' city of Atlantis discovered in the Pegasus Galaxy by Stargate Command, Dr. Elizabeth Weir and Major Sheppard lead a scientific expedition to the ancient abandoned city. Once there, the team not only find themselves unable to contact Earth, but their explorations unexpectedly reawaken the Ancients' deadly enemies, The Wraith, who hunger for this new prey. Now with the help of newfound local allies like Teyla Emmagan, the Atlantis Team sets about to uncover their new home's secrets even as their war of survival against the Wraith begins.



22.2. 22:25, AXN Black, 45 minutes


With the Ancients' city of Atlantis discovered in the Pegasus Galaxy by Stargate Command, Dr. Elizabeth Weir and Major Sheppard lead a scientific expedition to the ancient abandoned city. Once there, the team not only find themselves unable to contact Earth, but their explorations unexpectedly reawaken the Ancients' deadly enemies, The Wraith, who hunger for this new prey. Now with the help of newfound local allies like Teyla Emmagan, the Atlantis Team sets about to uncover their new home's secrets even as their war of survival against the Wraith begins.



19.2. 11:30, AXN Black, 45 minutes


With the Ancients' city of Atlantis discovered in the Pegasus Galaxy by Stargate Command, Dr. Elizabeth Weir and Major Sheppard lead a scientific expedition to the ancient abandoned city. Once there, the team not only find themselves unable to contact Earth, but their explorations unexpectedly reawaken the Ancients' deadly enemies, The Wraith, who hunger for this new prey. Now with the help of newfound local allies like Teyla Emmagan, the Atlantis Team sets about to uncover their new home's secrets even as their war of survival against the Wraith begins.



22.2. 23:55, AXN Black, 45 minutes


With the Ancients' city of Atlantis discovered in the Pegasus Galaxy by Stargate Command, Dr. Elizabeth Weir and Major Sheppard lead a scientific expedition to the ancient abandoned city. Once there, the team not only find themselves unable to contact Earth, but their explorations unexpectedly reawaken the Ancients' deadly enemies, The Wraith, who hunger for this new prey. Now with the help of newfound local allies like Teyla Emmagan, the Atlantis Team sets about to uncover their new home's secrets even as their war of survival against the Wraith begins.


Enemy at the Gate

23.2. 00:40, AXN Black, 45 minutes

Enemy at the Gate

With the Ancients' city of Atlantis discovered in the Pegasus Galaxy by Stargate Command, Dr. Elizabeth Weir and Major Sheppard lead a scientific expedition to the ancient abandoned city. Once there, the team not only find themselves unable to contact Earth, but their explorations unexpectedly reawaken the Ancients' deadly enemies, The Wraith, who hunger for this new prey. Now with the help of newfound local allies like Teyla Emmagan, the Atlantis Team sets about to uncover their new home's secrets even as their war of survival against the Wraith begins.

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About show

Czech, Hungarian
Action / Adventure / Drama / Sci-Fi

With the Ancients' city of Atlantis discovered in the Pegasus Galaxy by Stargate Command, Dr. Elizabeth Weir and Major Sheppard lead a scientific expedition to the ancient abandoned city. Once there, the team not only find themselves unable to contact Earth, but their explorations unexpectedly reawaken the Ancients' deadly enemies, The Wraith, who hunger for this new prey. Now with the help of newfound local allies like Teyla Emmagan, the Atlantis Team sets about to uncover their new home's secrets even as their war of survival against the Wraith begins.


Martin Wood


Mylène Dinh-Robic, Patrick Sabongui, Scott Heindl, Rachel Luttrell, Amanda Tapping, Jewel Staite, Joe Flanigan, Paul McGillion, Jason Momoa, Christopher Heyerdahl, Ken Kirzinger, David Hewlett, Connor Trinneer, Johann Helf, Linda Ko