Mémoire sous enquête

Mémoire sous enquête

S01E19 - Allegiances

20.12. 18:10
55 minutes
United States Crime / Drama / Mysterious

Kým Steve Cioffi oslavuje piate výročie svojej reštaurácie, Carrie vyšetruje vraždu Francine Palmerovej. V jej byte nájde obrázok Francininho priateľa Eddieho Dal Bella. Al odhalí aférku Francine a Eddieho a stretne sa so Sharon Vegovou, ktorej zločinecká skupina bola prepojená s dodávateľom Rayom Marzullom. Polícia podozrieva Eddieho, že okrádal Marzulla. Od Eddieho sa to však už nikto nedozvie, lebo ho niekto zabil. Aj keď Eddieho pitva ukáže, že pred smrťou večeral spolu s Francine. Carrie nenájde nič, čo by ho usvedčovalo s jej vraždou.(TV Markíza)

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About show

Czech, English
United States Crime / Drama / Mysterious

Former Syracuse, New York, police detective Carrie Wells has hyperthymesia, a rare medical condition that gives her the ability to visually remember everything. She reluctantly joins the New York City Police Department's Queens homicide unit after her former boyfriend and partner asks for help with solving a case. The move allows her to try to find out the one thing she has been unable to remember, which is what happened the day her sister was murdered.


Oz Scott


Fulvio Cecere, Jane Curtin, Arthur J. Nascarella, Poppy Montgomery, Michael Gaston, Adam Trese, Kevin Rankin, Dylan Walsh, Rachel Ticotin, Jackson Hurst, Britt Lower, Anthony Mangano, Joshua Bitton, Ami Brabson, Daya Vaidya