Murdoch Mysteries

Murdoch Mysteries

S10E07 - Painted Ladies

16.12. 01:55
Televize Seznam
50 minutes
Canada / Velká Británie Crime / Drama / Mysterious

V šlapací loďce, zakotvené u vody, byl nalezen mrtvý Cameron Fellowes. Torontským kriminalistům chybí jakýkoliv vražedný motiv, nejasný je i způsob, jak byl muž zabit. Během následujících dní se objeví další oběti, u nichž je zřejmé, že spolu něčím souvisejí. Vždy přitom jde o muže, kteří mají na rtech otisk rtěnky stejné barvy. Její následný rozbor v laboratoři prokáže, že obsahuje smrtící části jedu. Od této chvíle jsou v podezření vyšetřovacího týmu především ženy…(Česká televize)

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An Avoidable Hinder

6.1. 23:25, Epic Drama, 45 minutes

An Avoidable Hinder

A Victorian-era Toronto detective uses then-cutting edge forensic techniques to solve crimes, with the assistance of a female coroner who is also struggling for recognition in the face of tradition, based on the books by Maureen Jennings.


Ballad of Gentleman Jones

7.1. 00:10, Epic Drama, 45 minutes

Ballad of Gentleman Jones

A Victorian-era Toronto detective uses then-cutting edge forensic techniques to solve crimes, with the assistance of a female coroner who is also struggling for recognition in the face of tradition, based on the books by Maureen Jennings.


Virtue and Vice

11.1. 17:15, Epic Drama, 45 minutes

Virtue and Vice

A Victorian-era Toronto detective uses then-cutting edge forensic techniques to solve crimes, with the assistance of a female coroner who is also struggling for recognition in the face of tradition, based on the books by Maureen Jennings.


Whatever Happened to Abigail Prescott

11.1. 18:00, Epic Drama, 45 minutes

Whatever Happened to Abigail Prescott

Murdoch se obává o budoucnost své ženy a dítěte, když je Ogdenová odsouzena ke třem letům vězení za smrt Abigail Prescottové. Snaha Effie o znovuotevření případu se ocitne ve slepé uličce. (Viasat)


Just Desserts

11.1. 18:45, Epic Drama, 40 minutes

Just Desserts

A Victorian-era Toronto detective uses then-cutting edge forensic techniques to solve crimes, with the assistance of a female coroner who is also struggling for recognition in the face of tradition, based on the books by Maureen Jennings.


Murder in F Major

12.1. 00:05, Epic Drama, 45 minutes

Murder in F Major

A Victorian-era Toronto detective uses then-cutting edge forensic techniques to solve crimes, with the assistance of a female coroner who is also struggling for recognition in the face of tradition, based on the books by Maureen Jennings.


Scents and Sensibility

12.1. 18:00, Epic Drama, 40 minutes

Scents and Sensibility

Crabtree a Effie se účastní skandální svatby Patricka Branche z vyšší společnosti a umělecké modelky Angely Hall. Nevěsta však během příprav náhle zkolabuje a zemře. (Viasat)


The Long Goodbye, Part One

12.1. 18:40, Epic Drama, 45 minutes

The Long Goodbye, Part One

A Victorian-era Toronto detective uses then-cutting edge forensic techniques to solve crimes, with the assistance of a female coroner who is also struggling for recognition in the face of tradition, based on the books by Maureen Jennings.


The Long Goodbye, Part Two

12.1. 23:30, Epic Drama, 45 minutes

The Long Goodbye, Part Two

Murdoch znechuceně odevzdal odznak kvůli pochybným taktikám a přehnanému úsilí inspektora Edwardse, který nahradil Brackenreida. Watts mezitím drží v cele hladovku. (Viasat)

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About show

Canada / Velká Británie Crime / Drama / Mysterious

A Victorian-era Toronto detective uses then-cutting edge forensic techniques to solve crimes, with the assistance of a female coroner who is also struggling for recognition in the face of tradition, based on the books by Maureen Jennings.


Harvey Crossland


Yannick Bisson, Adam Rodness, Lachlan Murdoch, Erin Agostino, Thom Allison, Kate Corbett, Kristian Bruun, Jonny Harris, Helene Joy, Katy Breier