Lost Treasures of Egypt

Lost Treasures of Egypt

S04E08 - Rise of the Pyramids

26.11. 13:00
National Geographic
60 minutes
Documentary / Historic

Tajemství ztracených pyramid. Dokumentární seriál VB (2022). Egypt je nejbohatší zemí co do četnosti archeologických pokladů. V tomto seriálu budeme sledovat několik týmů badatelů po celou dobu sezóny vykopávek. Navštívíme s nimi podzemí pyramid, objevíme dávno zapomenuté hrobky či 3000 let staré mumie. Se špičkovými archeology rozluštíme tajemství jedné z nejvýzamnějších starověkých civilizací.

More information
Available in 21 hours

Cleopatra’s Lost Tomb

7.2. 13:00, National Geographic, 60 minutes

Cleopatra’s Lost Tomb

Archaeologists hunt for the lost tomb of Cleopatra. One team dives the sunken city of Alexandria and an explorer unearths a secret underground tunnel.

Available in 4 days

Tomb Raiders

11.2. 13:00, National Geographic, 60 minutes

Tomb Raiders

Nearby in Deir el Bahari, Archaeologist Antonio Morales and his team are investigating how ancient tomb builders cleverly designed their tombs to try to evade would-be thieves.


Warrior Pharaoh Queen

5.2. 13:00, National Geographic, 60 minutes

Warrior Pharaoh Queen

Archaeologists investigate Hatshepsut, one of the greatest female pharaohs in history; a discovery inside one of Hatshepsut's quarries sparks an investigation which leads to the temple of Karnak; an archaeologist excavates mummy parts.


Curse of the Afterlife

6.2. 13:00, National Geographic, 60 minutes

Curse of the Afterlife

Archaeologists decode the afterlife's secrets in an elaborate tomb and unearth a rare burial chamber revealing evidence of grave robbing.

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About show

Czech, English, Hungarian
Documentary / Historic

An immersive, action-packed and discovery-led series following International teams of Egyptologists as they unearth the world's richest seam of ancient archaeology - Egypt's Valley of the Kings.


Julian Barratt