

21.10. 11:50
Filmbox Arthouse
80 minut
Gangsterski / Mysterious / Thriller

Secret Service agents make a deal with a counterfeiting inmate to be released on early parole if he will help them recover some bogus moneymaking plates, but he plans to double-cross them.

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O audycji

Gangsterski / Mysterious / Thriller

Secret Service agents make a deal with a counterfeiting inmate to be released on early parole if he will help them recover some bogus moneymaking plates, but he plans to double-cross them.


Richard Fleischer


Rory Mallinson, William Woodson, Lloyd Bridges, Ralph Brooks, Fred Graham, Robert Karnes, Brick Sullivan, John Hoyt, Robert Carson, Harold Miller, George Barrows, Jack Perry, Tommy Noonan, Frank Sully, Douglas Spencer, Lyle Latell, Hans Moebus, Bert Conway, Steve Carruthers, Joe Gilbert, Sayre Dearing, John Damler, Sid Kane, Joe Haworth, Charles Regan, Oliver Cross, Ken Christy, Jack Low, Renny McEvoy, Russ Conway, Clancy Cooper, Dick Gordon, Mack Williams, Stephen Chase, Harry Antrim, Ruth Robinson, James Todd, Jay C. Flippen, Barbara Payton, Lucille Barkley, Lennie Burton, Alexis Davidoff, Kay Garrett, Bruce Hamilton, Jack Reynolds