Party of Five
GETTING THERE. Launching payloads into space is a very difficult task, historically rocket launches are the proverbial 'swords into ploughshares' Missiles designed to carry atomic warheads now send satellites and probes into the solar system. Ironically it's one of the few exploits Mankind undertakes that doesn't occur in nature.
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GETTING THERE. Launching payloads into space is a very difficult task, historically rocket launches are the proverbial 'swords into ploughshares' Missiles designed to carry atomic warheads now send satellites and probes into the solar system. Ironically it's one of the few exploits Mankind undertakes that doesn't occur in nature.
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Je ich päť, sú súrodenci a musia si nejako pomôcť. Ich rodičia boli zabití opitým vodičom a teraz nastal čas, aby všetkým ukázali, že sa o seba vedia postarať. A aj keď to niekedy nie je vôbec jednoduché, na zábavu je vždy dosť času. Len tak ľahko sa proste nestratia...
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