Rok v divočině

Rok v divočině

S01E_Episode - Episode

5.1. 20:50
45 minut

EP.1. Rosemary catches up with the conservancy’s rarest large carnivore, a coalition of 3 male cheetahs. The Pungwe pack get waist deep into their hunting as they pursue a wildebeest into a water pan. Denning season has begun. The pack are on the hunt for impala. Rosemary deals with a shocking snare removal. The splinters take on another herd of wildebeest.

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Sezon 1


22.3. 15:45, DocuBox, 45 minut


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O audycji


EP.1. Rosemary catches up with the conservancy’s rarest large carnivore, a coalition of 3 male cheetahs. The Pungwe pack get waist deep into their hunting as they pursue a wildebeest into a water pan. Denning season has begun. The pack are on the hunt for impala. Rosemary deals with a shocking snare removal. The splinters take on another herd of wildebeest.