Africa's Deadliest

Africa's Deadliest

S01E_Episode - Episode

26.1. 23:15
55 minutes

EP. 02. Killer armies collaborate to take down larger prey. On land, a zebra’s kick can kill, but in the water it’s easy meat for a congregation of crocodiles. Wild dogs may not seem like fearsome predators, but a pack kills fast, brutally and often.

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Season 4

Ukrást nebo zemřít

7.2. 23:52, National Geographic Wild, 46 minutes

Ukrást nebo zemřít

Ukrást nebo zemřít. Dokumentární seriál VB (2017). Temná stránka života zvířat v botswanské buši. Nejistota, podezření, teror - cílem je získat pro sebe co nejvíce a udržet si to.

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About show


EP. 02. Killer armies collaborate to take down larger prey. On land, a zebra’s kick can kill, but in the water it’s easy meat for a congregation of crocodiles. Wild dogs may not seem like fearsome predators, but a pack kills fast, brutally and often.